Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Obama Extends Bombing Misson in Libya

According to the article from Fox News, Obama is extending the bombing mission in Libya for another month. This decision keeps U.S. War ships of the coast of Libya to strike ISIS and to help Libya's ground forces fight ISIS in the city of Sirte. Fox News says they are not sure how many ISIS members are in Libya at this time. The CIA director, John Brennan, says there 5,000-8,000 members, while military officials are saying hundreds. Right now the Pentagon nor the White House has not official placed the extension on the two U.S war ships and the airstrike.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Texas has a New Law, Allowing Guns on Campus

According to CNN Politics, Texas has passed a law allowing people over 21, with a gun permit, to take their gun onto campus and in the buildings and classrooms. Some people like this law because it makes them feel more safe. If a hostile person wanted to hurt a school, there would be people with guns to protect themselves and other people. The other side to this controversies, people feel unsafe by this law because if someone wants to bring a gun to school they can. For this law, its helping all Texans, and students use their Second Amendment right.

Arizona's and Illinois Election Database was Hacked

According to CBS News, FBI has been searching for the hackers that hacked into Arizona's and Illinois election databases. The hack was first reported by Yahoo News on Monday after it received a copy alert. FBI's Cyber division has issued an alert that warns "Targeting Activity Against State Board of Election Systems." The FBI seems to believe that the hack was preformed by foreign hackers, but they have not release a name of a county.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Bill Clinton Tells about the Next steps for the Clinton Foundation

In the article in USA Today, it presented a piece of what will be the changes to the Clinton Foundations if Hilary is elected President. The changes are as follows: the foundation will only accept contributions only from American citizens/ permit residents and the name will change from Bill, Hilary, and Chelsea Foundation to the Clinton Foundation. Also if Hilary is elected he says he will give NGO's and other transactions to different groups.

Donald Trump denies flip flopping on immigration

According to the article on USA News, Trump denies he is flip flopping on his immigration laws/stand point. He said he is going to stick with deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, while his campaign manger is saying "to be determined." He tells people on Fox and Friends he wants to have "a really fair, but firm" solution to the illegal immigrants that are coming into America. Republican officials are no saying Trump has finally gotten is stride and will be soon catching up to Hilary.

Only 9% of American chose Trump and Clinton

From the New York Times article, both Clinton and Trump only got nine percent of the entire nation voted for them in the primaries. The rest of either the Republican and Democratic parties voted for another candidate. Trump and Clinton right now are going to try to get the votes from the rest of the American people which include people that did not vote in the primaries and people that do not vote. They are going to try to appeal these people and to America's population as a whole to get votes.

Judge blocking Obama's School Transgender bathroom policy

The article from CNN, Judge Reed O'Connor of Texas, granted preliminary junction wanted by Texas and other states about challenging Title IX. He wants the students to still have protection of their rights and privacy by using a public bathroom. Schools that are getting federal money can not discriminate when it comes to bathrooms, based on their sex. The schools that are not accepting transgender student and not comfortable with them using which ever bathroom they choose, the government is threatening to take their funding away.

Hilary, according to polls, is leading in Ohio

In the polls is Ohio, according to Monmouth University, it seems that Hilary Clinton as a 43 percent lead to 39 percent lead over Donald Trump.  88 percent of Democrats say they will be voting for Hilary and 83 percent of Republicans will be voting for Trump. For the independents it will be split for who they vote for. Even though Hilary has a slight lead over Trump, according to Washington Post ,she is not doing as well as President Obama did among the black, asian, and hispanic voters.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Most to Least Religious States

In the article of Most to Least Religious States, they measured on how a religious states is by how much they attend church, pray, and how much God is important in their lives. Someone can also be "highly religious" in their terms if the people report high religious behaviors acts. Political scientist might be interested in how religious a state is because it may influence peoples opinions on a certain laws or problem going on in the United States. While other less religious people may respond differently to a law or policy trying to be put in place.

First AP Gov. Post

So far in this class, I have taken a political typology quiz and have taken a news quiz off the Pews Research Center website. On the third day of class, my class was separated into two groups and given random pictures. The objective is to see what cards can be interrupted as political problems and/or news. The conclusion my class came to was that most things in life can become political problems if people want them to be.