Thursday, December 8, 2016

Trump picked retired Gen. John Kelly for DHS

According to CNN, Donald Trump picked retired General John Kelly to be the head of the Department of Homeland Security. John Kelly was previously in charge of managing security threats. The threats were by criminal drug networks based in South and Central America. This issue Trump brought up during his campaign. The controversial Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba, John Kelly oversaw the operations there. John Kelly has served in the Marine Corps for over 40 years as he move through the ranks.

Leonardo DiCaprio had a meeting with Trump

Leonardo DiCaprio had a meeting with Donald Trump Wednesday. Leonardo and the head of his foundation went and met with Trump discussing how on jobs centered around preserving the environment will actually beneficial to the economy. Terry Tamminen, the CEO of DiCaprio company, confirmed the meeting at Trump Tower. They gave a presentation to Trump, his daughter, and other members of Trump's team telling them that focusing on clean energy could create bunches of jobs. Leonardo is an advocate of fighting climate change and preserving wildlife.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Joe Biden has no intention of running for President in 2020

According to an article from CNN Politics, on Wednesday Joe Biden told reporters "I have no intention of running" for president in 2020. Also Biden also said "I'm a great respecter of fate. I don't plan on running again. But to say you know what's going to happen in four years, I just think is -- is not rational," What he is saying that he does not intend on running for president, but a lot can change in four years so nothing is set in stone. 

Americans like more media

According to the Washington Times, a new poll shows that they like being informed with this new kind of media style, as in tweeting, facebooking, and other forms of social media. Many social critics once predicted that the mass media would disrupt the nation. From the poll they found out that 81% of Americans like "lots of information" and easy access to it. 80% of Americans say its easy to distinguish what news is "trustworthy". Another 79% of Americans like the ton of information and makes them feel like they have control of their own lives. Just by a couple of theses polling data shows, that Americans do like social media and different forms of media because it provides new ways to get access to the news and different stories.

Fun Points in the the Short Term Government Spending Bill

The House Republicans released a short term government spending bill it includes the same budget cap of 1.07 trillion dollars from fiscal 2016, that ended in September. It also gives 8 billion dollars to the Pentagon's overseas contingency fund. That fund is used to fight against ISIS. This bill also includes 170 million dollars that will be addressing drinking water safety in cities like Flint, Michigan. Also,  provides 4.1 billion dollars for disaster relief. This money is going toward places like Louisiana in response to the flooding and the destruction from hurricane Matthew. Other provisions in the bill are that allows funds for NASA's Deep Space Exploration program, and ban preventing an increase in pay to lawmakers.