Thursday, February 9, 2017

C11 Blog post 3 Ninth Circuit Court Judges rule on Trump's Travel ban

On the San Francisco based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, three judges will be ruling some time before Thursday to immediately reinstate Trump's Travel ban. The three judges are Judge William Canby, Judge Richard Clifton, and Judge Michelle Friedland. Judge William Canby is rarely hearing cases anymore because of his age. Therefore it was unusual that he heard oral arguments over Trump's ban. During the arguments he challenged the justification of the ban and came to the rescue of the attorney that is challenging the ban, when another judge was giving the attorney a hard time. Judge Richard Clifton, apparently had the toughest questions for the two states challenging the ban, Washington and Minnesota. One of the questions he asked was "what evidence the attorney had that the president's travel ban was motivated by religious prejudice". Out of the three Judges, Judge Michelle Friedland was most sympathetic with Washington's case. She kept asking the Justice Department's lawyer over the basis for this travel banned. Therefore, in my opinion the judges ruling is a toss up. I think it could go either way but their decision won't be till sometime Thursday (today). 

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